Saturday, October 18, 2008

Pumpkins and knitting

This weekend we went to the Avila farm to get a pumpkim or two. It's a great place, they have homemade ice cream, fresh baked pies, roasted corn served hot. Of course they also have fresh fruits and vegatables.Of course they also have several pumpkin patches. After having corn and ice cream we went in search of the perfect carving pumpkins.
Ginna wanted a good size pumpkin but because she knew I would make her carry it back to the car she picked wisely.

While showing off this nice round happy pumpkin she spots another perfect pumpkin a little ways away.

End the end we came home with 4 pumpkins, some apples, peaches, potatoes and corn.

For thoes of you who are only interested in the knitting, I give you a close up of the
Shoulder pack. This is a Jennifer pipps pattern. This is the project I carry to work and leave in my car. I wanted to bring it in this weekend to take a picture. The colors look nothing like this in person. The bag is gigantic so it better felt a BUNCH!!
In other news we bought books this weekend. Ginna got a really pretty book of photographs of the architecture or Italy. It was a good deal for only $9. The man bought the latest hardback by one of his favorite authors Neal Stephenson. Anathem. I got Alterfelts by he Author of Alterknits. One of the first projects in the book is a white felted bag that I love !


Blogger Lupie said...

The pumpkins are beautiful. There is nothing like cooking with local produce. Good for the farmers and good for our bodies.
I feel the same with yarn and when ever I travel I try to buy yarn of local fiber artists.

4:40 AM  
Blogger Tekgirl said...

Aaah the littlest pumpkin is soooooo cute- I hope you have a tiny candle to put in it!

4:57 AM  

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