Thursday, February 07, 2008

knitted bathtub

This week is going by really fast. I can't believe it's already thursday. Yesterday, I did a little more organizing in the scrapbook department but not much. I also listened to the new Stash and Burn podcast. There talking about startitis, which I clearly have if you read my previous few posts. I have several new projects going at once. The Basalt tank isn't going well and will need to be fropgged for the 2nd time. The yarn is ok ( I think) but I ma getting these huge ladders where the k2tog and the ssk are next to each other so I feel like I need to use smaller stitch markers and concentrate on knitting tighter in that spot. (I am tempted to switch to the recommended yarn though)
I was checking out blogs this morning and while I was at Stacy sews I found this knitted bath tub link. Is that the cutest thing? I have no idea what I would do with it but its so fun.
She has some other fun patterns too.
Well ,I need to get ready to go. I have some errands to run and I think I'll go to knit group.
I'm mailing off a goodie box for a crafster swap today as well.


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