Wow, Dec 27th were have I been?
Wow, I hadn't realized how long it's been since I posted. It was Dec 27th when I last posted.
Where has the time gone?
So what's on the needles?
I finished the yoke of the minnimissimo sweater coat. I have been using all of my "at home knitting time" for this one project. Very unusual for me. I'm not a one project knitter. I am much more confortable with multiple projects, but I have had so little knitting time that I really have only had the time for this one. It's really pretty isn't it?
This is my knit group project. It's Dexter ,a new pattern from the Zephyr girls. It's a bit further then the picture shows but not much, because I haven't had any knit group time.
My knit group meets on Saturdays now and I can't do Saturdays because of work and family. I'm thinking about running down to the Scarlet Skien and doing some knitting, on like, tuesdays. I have been getting tuesdays off and it's only about 20 minutes from home. Will see.
I have the front and sides done of the sipala bag. I was working on this in January. I set it aside to work on the sweater coat .

I also took some time to make a noro scarf. I have been dreaming of having one of these, since way back when Jared Flood posted his. It's soooo pretty. I used 5 skiens of Silk garden. I have 3 different color ways in mine. I also cheated and didn't do the 1x1 rib because I know I would never ever finish it that way so I knit mine as a tube. It's about 7 feet long. I was going to stop at 6 but the colors were so pretty I kept going. I have a couple tails to weave in and then it's done.
Where has the time gone?
So what's on the needles?

This is my knit group project. It's Dexter ,a new pattern from the Zephyr girls. It's a bit further then the picture shows but not much, because I haven't had any knit group time.

I also took some time to make a noro scarf. I have been dreaming of having one of these, since way back when Jared Flood posted his. It's soooo pretty. I used 5 skiens of Silk garden. I have 3 different color ways in mine. I also cheated and didn't do the 1x1 rib because I know I would never ever finish it that way so I knit mine as a tube. It's about 7 feet long. I was going to stop at 6 but the colors were so pretty I kept going. I have a couple tails to weave in and then it's done.