Friday, March 28, 2008

New project

I like to keep this blog upbeat and happy. I don't like to post anything sad or depressing but today I feel sad. I feel scarred and alone and sad.

So lets start something new. This is my swatch. It's a sweater pattern, I don't know the name at the moment. It wasn't on my list. I am adding stripes because I need to make it more complicated I guess. I hope it turns out, but even if it doesn't that's ok. The yarn is...Aspen ...I think. I am using 4 colors or is it 5.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Update on inspiration

I took a trip to a yarn shop yesterday. Not my usual one but since my usual one is about to close I went to see what was happening in the other one. I bought this. It's a skien of Malabrigo. I hear people talk about how much they love this yarn, and I have wanted to try it. I also bought the new Louisa Harding pattern book. So,

wondering how I am doing on my list of must knit projects ? Here is Nob Hill from Knitty. It rolls like mad and I still need to sew that button on. I don't love it, it's ok. I am working on Talia also from knitty. It's zooming along. It's a very easy knit. I am even further now then the picture shows. I am doing the bust increases. I'll probably take this with me to knit group tommorow.

When this is done I will probably move on to making mosey also from knitty. I don't have the yarn for thoes though. I also started the prairie boots from coco knits. Were thoes even on the list ? I had top rip them out though, long story. I'll restart them soon. I am debating on imogen I bought yarn for it, but I love the yarn so it may need to be something more exciting.
Ohh and I'm almost done with the Wyoming vest from ...Knitscene. I ran out of yarn and had to get more.

Monday, March 17, 2008

New patterns, inspiration overload.

Well, it started with the new issue of Knitty. It's spring according to knitty anyway.
I love three of the new patterns. Nob hill ( which I finished ,except for seaming and buying a button) Tahlia and the lace scarf. I am planning to use manos for Tahlia. The scarf will be put in the later pile.
Then Stitch Divas posted the new spring patterns. EEEKK. I love the broomstick lace jacket ( hourglass jacket) Never mind that I have never done broomstick lace, how hard could it be.
I also love Labyrinth. I will probably un "puff" the sleevs though. And then the crochet top, Cecilia Chemise. This would be so cute over a tank in the summer. It looks fast too. ( I I have yarn for that?
Oh yea I also decided I have to make Imogen by pearl grey. It looks so comfy and I have the perfect yarn picked out for it, Rio De la Plata. It's the same yarn I used for Gretel. ( you should check this pattern out on Ravelry)
Then when I was showing off all the patterns I want to make, Heather said OHH you should make the vest I made. New Wyoming, it's from the most recent Knit scene. It was a fast knit and you could use that yarn you wanted from Michaels.

Oh yes ,and I was just reminded ,that I mentioned, I could make these also from knitty for G.
Is that 9 new patterns that I want to make. Well,, at least none of these are on tiny needles with small yarn.
And what happen to the tree jacket that I was FOR SURE going to finish in february then for sure in March ? I made an error and it's back in the bag. So for now we are not talking about the tree jacket.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Finished, frogged and the tour

Is that cat Blue?? Yes he is, matches the linen skirt I'm knitting in the background. He took a nap on a sidewalk chalk drawing. It's a good color for him don't you think? The tour of California passed by last month. I was so excited. I was able to find a link online where I could watch the tour live. When they got just outside of our town we walked down the street to watch them go by. It was so cool. Here are the first few ridders passing the intersection. The weather sucked!!! It was raining and cold and windy.
Check out how close they are. I could have reached out and touched them. ( I never would have done that) but I was close enough to.

Now some sad news. My 28/30 is to small. I'm just to the point where you seperate the sleeves, great time to try it on. It won't close over my bust so I have to frog and make a bigger size. It looks like my gauge was off. So much for doing a swatch. My garment and swatch aren't the same.

Good news. I finished my first crochet garment. It only took a couple days. Its the sage corset from sensual crochet. I love it. It fits perfectly. I had to add some straps though. When I tried it on it was slowly slidding down. I thinbk the straps look cute so I'm happy!!

Another shot. I'm really really happy with this project. I'm mostly excited because it was crochet and I didn't have any trouble with it at all.

And here is Tubby, put together but still waiting for the last 20 bubbles to be knit.