I love getting mail. well, good mail that is. The last two days have been very good mail days for me. Yesterday my yarn and pattern came from Kpixie. These guys are great!! I can't believe how fast my order came. I ordered the
fancy ribbed tank and the yarn to make it. It's hemp yarn. I have never knit with hemp so we will see how that goes. Iwanted to try it after reading
about using it on
knit and tonic as well as knitty.
I want to knit a skirt but I thought I would try a smaller project first just to make sure I'm ok knitting hemp. It's seriously not soft but it's supposed to be pretty durable and it apparently softens up after time. I also ordered a japanesse crochet book. It has some really pretty projects in it. It will be mostly inspiration because well... Idon't read japanesse but I love to look at thier craft books and it does have charts so I might be able to figure some stuff out.
Then today my AMAZON.Com order came. It was also a fast delivery. I ordered this book. One of thoes take a chance, sight on seen orders. I don't do that very often anymore I have gotten some not so good books doing that. I really wanted a good crochet book and I had seen this one advertised in so many magazines I took a chance. It's a heavy book. I was surprised by how heavy the package was. I was expecting something farly thin so I was excited by the size of this one. I haven't had time to really give it a good look so I'll just give a brief description untill I know more.

It has 256 pages. The cost is $29.95 but it's $19 on amazon.
The first section looks like swatches of different stitches, each one is written in words and has a chart ( I need to learn to read charts so that's good). I don't like the purple yarn on the purple background but that's just me. I would also love to know what yarn it is and what hook size. I'm not seeing that but maybe I'm missing it.
Next section looks like shapes, circles, flowers and hexagons YEA!!! triangles, etc.
Then a section all on granniy squares wow who would have though there would be so many. Again I really would like to know what yarn some of these are.
Chapter 5 is on making flowers, probably not something I would do but it's interesting to see.
The last chapter has projects, only a few and mostly accessories. There is a very interesting scarf that I might try. It's the woven scarf. It uses silk and cashmere doesn't that just sound lovely. So my quick impression: lots of information that I think I will use and worth the $20. When I really sit down and read then I will know for sure, but for now I'm happy.